Disc Trencheris a small machine dedicated to farmland farming, the trencher is small in size, easy to operate and control, is a field helper of individual disc cultivation farmers, maintenance of disc trencher equipment, not only to pay attention to daily maintenance and maintenance, in Bikaranîna gelemperî jî divê balê bikişîne ser gelek hêmanên girîng.
Componên girîng ên nêçîrê dîskê wiha ne:
2. Transmission structure, the power of the engine is transmitted through the main clutch connected to the upper part of the belt and transmission assembly, the transmission is input through the main clutch, and the transmission is transmitted to the driving wheel through the drive shaft ji bo pêşvebirina ajotina xendeka dîskê.
3. The driving wheel, the driving wheel is installed on the drive shaft of the lower part of the transmission assembly, the power of the engine is transmitted to the driving wheel through the transmission to promote the work of the disk trencher, when walking on Riya, hûn dikarin gava ku cotkar, karanîna çakûçikên cotkar bikar bînin, ajotina ajotinê li ser rê bikar bînin.
Tîrêjê dîskê xwedan xwerû enerjiya kêm e, karanîna maqûl, tevgera hêsan û bandora karanîna baş.Ger bi amûrên mekanîkî yên guncanî were çêkirin, karanîna wê dê berfirehtir be.
Dema şandinê: 27-27-2023